Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 2 (Days 96-99)

Preschool: The boys are such eager learners. They participate fully in their schoolwork and love to do pattern block puzzles as a 'reward' when they're finished. How lucky am I?


  1. Boys - Faith: I believe and act on God's promises.
  2. Girls - Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Reading: The girls worked on another Reader's Theater called "The Water Cycle." They were very creative making water drop puppets and lots of props to go along with the play.

We also continued reading Shiloh aloud.

Social Studies:
We volunteered at the local foodbank on Wednesday. We try to go twice a month for an hour and a half shift. This week we labelled and boxed cereal.
  1. C & C - Continued working from Neighborhoods & Communities book. They completed a scavenger hunt.
  2. Madelyn - Continued working from Map Skills: The United States. She learned about rivers in the U.S. and landforms. She also continued to work on memorizing the state capitals.
  1. C & C - The girls continued working through their Math Sprints workbook. In addition, they completed Week 1 from Singapore Math's 2A program.
  2. Madelyn - Madelyn's workbook has still not arrived so she doubled up on sprints this week. She'll start her Singapore Math 4A program next week.
  1. C & C - Started Week 1 in Level 2 Writing with Ease. We are awaiting the workbooks so I think they may have to repeat this next week.
  2. Madelyn - Completed Lessons 119 through 125 in Primary Language Lessons.
Science: We continued our study of the earth. We looked at crustal movement this week. We made a landform out of mud and then broke it up to demonstrate Pangaea.

We had an active week. Catherine and Sam started soccer practice and Seth had a t-ball game. We also did some swimming in Heron Lake. The kids climbed trees and hiked around our mountain property.